Could not resolve address ‘’ — check resolver configuration OR file vhost.c, line 190, assertion “rv == APR_SUCCESS” failed

Issue Symptoms

After attempting to start the ZMC service, you see in /opt/zmanda/amanda/logs/zmc_server.log the following error:

Syntax error on line 84 of /opt/zmanda/amanda/apache2/conf/ssl.conf:
Could not resolve address '' -- check resolver configuration.

Or when installing Amanda Enterprise, you get the following error:

0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
########################################Starting /etc/init.d/zmc:
/opt/zmanda/amanda// : mysql (pid 6913) already running<

[Mon Jan 28 16:14:51 2008] [crit] [Mon Jan 28 16:14:51 2008] file vhost.c, line
190, assertion "rv == APR_SUCCESS" failed
Abort - core dumped
apache config test fails, aborting

Issue Description

This is a bug in Solaris which causes Apache to dump core if nsswitch.conf and system services are not properly configured. This also affects ZRM Server running on Solaris 10. For more information, please see the following Apache bug:


Configure the VirtualHost entry in ssl.conf with the exat IP address of the server as shown in the following steps.

  1. Stop ZMC
/etc/init.d/zmc_aee stop

2. Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf to ensure that the hosts entry includes dns, such as:

hosts: files dns

3. If applicable, edit /etc/inetd/hosts. For example, if installed on a server with IP address ““, hostname “sol10vm“, and FQDN ““, please include an entry as follows: sol10vm loghost

4. Edit /opt/zmanda/amanda/apache2/conf/ssl.conf to replace

<VirtualHost _default_:443>


<VirtualHost *:443>

5. Enable NSCD

svcadm enable svc:/system/name-service-cache:default

Start ZMC

/etc/init.d/zmc_aee start