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6 Big Revelations on Zmanda Backup and Data Replication Technology

6 Revelations on Zmanda’s MySQL Backup and Data Replication Technology for Business Continuity

Businesses are turning to data replication software as part of a backup recovery plan. No doubt,...


Configuration of Tape Library with Zmanda | Zmanda

Tape Library Configuration with Zmanda

Zmanda is undoubtedly a globally recognized provider of the leading open-source backup and recovery...

Navigating the Tape Backup Strategy as Part of the Hybrid Cloud Strategy | Zmanda

Navigating the Tape Backup Strategy as Part of the Hybrid Cloud Strategy

We're entering a new world where data might be more important than software. ~ Tim O'Reilly In t...

Understanding the tape landscape banner | Zmanda

Understanding the Tape Landscape

When the why is clear, the how is easy.  In the previous blog of our tape series, “Tapes ...

Tape is timeless

Tapes as a timeless long-term investment

"Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves." Tim Berners-Lee, inv...

Understanding Object Storage vs. Block Storage

Understanding Block Storage vs Object Storage

Block storage vs Object storage, which is the right fit for today's data storage environments? ...

Understanding Block Storage in Securing Your Data

Understanding Block Storage in Securing Your Data

Modern enterprise storage for primary workloads aims at three crucial parameters wherein block stor...

Understanding Cloud Object Storage in Securing your Data

Understanding Cloud Object Storage in Securing Your Data

As per the IDC's prediction, "unstructured data will represent 80% of data worldwide by 2025." ...

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